Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Top 10 Womens Health Issues and Causes of Death
When it comes to womens health, what are the top 10 womens health issues you should be concerned about? According to a 2004 report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the conditions described below are the top 10 leading causes of death in females. The good news is that many are preventable. Click on the headings to learn how to reduce your risk: 27.2% of deathsThe Womens Heart Foundation reports that 8.6 million women worldwide die from heart disease each year, and that 8 million women in the U.S. are living with heart disease. Of those women who have heart attacks, 42% die within a year. When a woman under 50 has a heart attack, its twice as likely to be fatal as a heart attack in a man under 50. Almost two-thirds of heart attack deaths occur in women with no prior history of chest pain. In 2005, the American Heart Association reported 213,600 deaths in women from coronary heart disease.22.0% of deathsAccording to the American Cancer Society, in 2009 an estimated 269,800 women will die of cancer. The leading causes of cancer deaths in women are lung (26%), breast (15%), and colorectal cancer(9%).7.5% of deathsOFten thought of as a mans disease, stroke kills more women than men each year. Worldwide, three million women die from stroke annually. In the U.S. in 2005, 87,000 women died of stroke as compared to 56,600 men. For w omen, age matters when it comes to risk factors. Once a woman reaches 45, her risk climbs steadily until at 65, it equal that of men. Although women arent as likely to suffer from strokes as men in the middle years, theyre more likely to be fatal if one occurs.5.2% of deathsCollectively, several respiratory illnesses that occur in the lower lungs all fall under the term chronic lower respiratory disease: chronic obstructed pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and chronic bronchitis. Typically, about 80% of these diseases are due to cigarette smoking. COPD is of particular concern to women since the disease manifests differently in females than males; symptoms, risk factors, progression and diagnosis all exhibit gender differences. In recent years, more women have been dying from COPD than men.3.9% of deathsSeveral studies involving European and Asian populations have indicated that women have a much higher risk of Alzheimers than men. This may be due to the female hormone estrogen, which has properties that protect against the memory loss that accompanies aging. When a woman reaches menopause, reduced levels of estrogen may play a role in her increased risk of developing Alzheimers.3.3% of deathsUnder unintentional injuries are six major causes of death: falling, poisoning, suffocation, drowning, fire/burns and motor vehicle crashes. While falls are of significant concern to women who are frequently diagnosed with osteoporosis in their later years, another health threat is on the rise -- accidental poisoning. According to the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Johns Hopkins, in a six-year study between 1999 and 2005, the rate of poisoning deaths in white women age 45-64 increased 230% as compared to the 137% increase experienced by white men in the same age. Diabetes3.1% of deathsWith 9.7 million women in the U.S. suffering from diabetes, the American Diabetes Association notes that women have unique health concerns because pregnancy can often bring abou t gestational diabetes. Diabetes during pregnancy can lead to possible miscarriages or birth defects. Women who develop gestational diabetes are also more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes later in life. Among African American, Native American, Asian American women and Hispanic women/Latinas, the prevalence of diabetes is two to four times higher than among white women.and2.7% of deathsPublic awareness of the dangers of influenza has spiked due to the H1N1 virus, yet influenza and pneumonia have posed ongoing threats to elderly women and those whose immune systems are compromised. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable to influenzas such as H1N1 and pneumonia.1.8% of deathsAlthough the average woman is less likely to suffer from chronic kidney disease than a man, if a woman is diabetic, her chance of developing kidney disease increases and puts her equally at risk. Menopause also plays a role. Kidney disease occurs infrequently in premenopausal women. Researchers believe that estr ogen provides protection against kidney disease, but once a woman reaches menopause, that protection is diminished. Researchers at Georgetown Universitys Center for the Study of Sex Differences in Health, Aging and Disease have found that sex hormones appear to affect non-reproductive organs such as the kidney. They note that in women, the absence of the hormone testosterone leads to a more rapid progression of kidney disease when they are diabetic.1.5% of deathsThe medical term for blood poisoning, septicemia is a serious illness that can rapidly turn into a life-threatening condition. Septicemia made headlines in January 2009 when Brazilian model and Miss World pageant finalist Mariana Bridi da Costa died from the disease after a urinary tract infection progressed to septicemia. Sources:Deaths From Unintentional Injuries Increase For Many Groups. ScienceDaily.com. 3 September 2009.Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths by Sex, United States, 2009. American Cancer Society, caonline.amcancersoc.org. Retrieved 11 September 2009.Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics - 2009 Update at a Glance. American Heart Association, americanheart.org. Retrieved 11 September 2009.Leading Causes of Death in Females, United States 2004. CDC Office of Womens Health, CDC.gov. 10 September 2007.Women and Diabetes. American Diabetes Association, diabetes.org. Retrieved 11 September 2009.Women and Heart Disease Facts. Womens Heart Foundation, womensheart.org. Retrieved 10 September 2009.Women More Likely To Suffer Kidney Disease If Diabetic. MedicalNewsToday.com. 12 August 2007.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ancient Nuclear Weapons (Indus Valley) - 7132 Words
A ncient A tom Bombs Ancient Atom Bombs Fact, Fraud, and the Myth of Prehistoric Nuclear Warfare Contents I. The Myth of Ancient Atomic Warfare 1 II. The First Ancient Atomic Bomb Theories 4 III. The Tesla Death Ray 13 IV. Big Theories, No Evidence 16 V. What It All Means 20 Works Cited 24 ANCIENT ATOM BOMBS? ââ€" 1 I. The Myth of Ancient Atomic Warfare I N FEBRUARY 2008, GLOBAL DIGNITARIES gathered to inaugurate the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a repository for plant life designed to withstand nuclear war so survivors could restart civilization with healthy seeds. Magnus Bredeli-Tveiten, who oversaw construction of the vault, told the Associated Press that he expected it†¦show more content†¦However, the authors’ 1979 book, 2000 a.C. Distruzione atomica (Atomic Destruction in 2000 BC), was not a scientific paper but another work of pseudoscience, ANCIENT ATOM BOMBS? ââ€" 5 unrecognized by academia. There is to date no evidence of nuclear explosions prior to 1945. Instead, the earliest reference to prehistoric nuclear warfare appears to be the Soviet mathematician and ethnologist Matest M. Agrest, who argued in 1959 that Sodom and Gomorrah had been destroyed by nuclear bombs from alien spaceships. This claim was brought to the attention of the other side of the Iron Curtain through The Morning of the Magicians (1960), a French work by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier which outlined one of the earliest complete (nonfiction) versions of the modern ancient astronaut t heory (see my eBook The Origin of the Space Gods) and, on page 122 of the 1963 English edition, offered outlandish claims about ancient nuclear warfare. We will examine their specific claims about ancient India momentarily, but first we turn to the other alleged prehistoric bomb blast--the one from the Bible. Biblical Bombs Those who support the theory of ancient atom bombs tend to be believers in a lost civilization like Atlantis or in extraterrestrial intervention in ancient history,Show MoreRelatedIndian History1899 Words  | 8 Pagessince 2500 B.C., when the inhabitants of the Indus River valley developed an urban culture based on commerce and sustained by agricultural trade. This civilization declined around 1500 B.C., probably due to ecological changes. During the second millennium B.C., pastoral, Aryan-speaking tribes migrated from the northwest into the subcontinent. As they settled in the middle Ganges River valley, they adapted to antecedent cultures. The political map of ancient and medieval India was made up of myriad kingdomsRead MoreCulture of Gandhara Civilization3679 Words  | 15 PagesCulture of Gandhara Civilization Gandhara is the region that now comprise of Peshawar valley, Mardan, Swat, Dir, Malakand, and Bajuaur agencies in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Taxila in the Punjab, and up to Jalalabad in Afghanistan. It is in this region that the Gandhara civilization emerged and became the cradle of Buddhism. It was from here that Buddhism spread towards east as far away as Japan and Korea. The intriguing record of Gandhara civilization, discovered in the 20th centuryRead MorePak Us Relations7976 Words  | 32 PagesFreedom fighters marched toward Sarinagar and occupied 6 miles territory. Unable to withstand the invasion, the Maharaja signed the Instrument of Accession that was accepted by the government of India on 27 October 1947. As the result of 1965 war the valley of Jammu and Kashmir has been divided in fourth parts: i) Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir: This is Indian occupied territory. ii) Azad Jammu and Kahsmir: This is under in Pakistani administration iii) Northern Areas: Qarakaram, Gilgit, Biltistan Read MoreIncredible India3330 Words  | 14 Pagesvicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives, while Indias Andaman and Nicobar Islands share maritime border with Thailand and the Indonesian island of Sumatra in the Andaman Sea. India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometers (4,700 mi). Home to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four of the worlds major religionsâ€â€Hinduism, Buddhism, JainismRead MoreCulture of India9032 Words  | 37 PagesPeople quickly make sweeping and flawed metaphysical assumptions about its religion and culture, but are far more circumspect when evaluating civil society and political culture in modern India. It is as if the value of South Asia resides only in its ancient contributions to human knowledge whereas its pathetic attempts to modernize or develop are to be winked at and patronized.[21] Rosser conducted numerous interviews and summarized the comments. The study reports a stark contrast between Western perceptionsRead MoreMedia Propaganda9887 Words  | 40 Pagesthe Persian throne is viewed by most historians as an early example of propaganda.[16] Th e Arthashastra written by Chanukah (c. 350 - 283 BC), a professor of political science at Takshashila University and a prime minister of the Maurya Empire in ancient India, discusses propaganda in detail, such as how to spread propaganda and how to apply it in warfare. His student Chandragupta Maurya (c. 340 - 293 BC), founder of the Maurya Empire, employed these methods during his rise to power.[17] The writingsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesWineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past Sharon Hartman Strom, Political Woman: Florence Luscomb and the Legacy of Radical Reform Michael Adas, ed., Agricultural and Pastoral Societies in Ancient and Classical History Jack Metzgar, Striking Steel: Solidarity Remembered Janis Appier, Policing Women: The Sexual Politics of Law Enforcement and the LAPD Allen Hunter, ed., Rethinking the Cold War Eric Foner, ed., The New American History
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Discuss the relationship between literary and film versions of a particular ‘romance’ text Free Essays
When a reader reads a novel and then watches a movie based on the book, they take in two very different perspectives. The use of camera techniques within the movie creates the story from the director’s or script writers perspective, leaving the viewer only with one interpretation of the novel whereas when a reader reads the novel, he or she takes in a personal insight to the book and creates their own version to the narrative process. Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte in the mid 19th century is a gothic novel which presents the love of Cathy Earnshaw and Heathcliff as a very innocent relationship whereby many people will see it as been a ‘teenage crush’. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss the relationship between literary and film versions of a particular ‘romance’ text or any similar topic only for you Order Now The novel is structured around two key points (purposes): the strong male ‘hero’, and the romance between the hero and heroine (Cranny-Francis). Wuthering Heights is in many ways a romance novel (even though many critics choose not to agree). The term ‘romance’ according to the Oxford English Dictionary the term is defined as: A prevailing sense of wonder or mystery surrounding the mutual attraction in a love affair. Cathy and Heathcliff’s romance for one another is outside social due to economic circumstances therefore they do not marry even though their love for one another remains strong until the end of the novel (Cranny-Francis). The many movie versions made of Wuthering Heights have gotten a grasp on the main shared themes in the story yet however the differences between the two mediums is vital to the narrative structure. Heathcliff’s character been vital to the storyline (as he is the novels key point of focus) is very important when making the movie versions of Wuthering Heights as he brings out the audiences response (Haire-Sargeant). Previously, film versions of Wuthering Heights have in fact attempted to explain the character of Heathcliff in a way the audience can connect with this character and achieve their expectations. Directors have been doing this change by altering parts of the story so that Heathcliff’s character is not as evil as Bronte’s character in the novel is; or by leading the audience or the reader as Bronte does to take in Heathcliff’s good and wicked personality within his perspective. When Bronte wrote the novel, of course it had to have been linguistic. Movies however, cannot give the viewer every last detail that is in the novel and therefore have to adapt the book into a screenplay in order all the audience can understand its concept. Therefore changes and problems are created. The question which arises from every book turned into a movie becomes ‘does the movie mirror or replicate the context of the novel’ which in so many words is not possible. To get every last detail of a four hundred page novel down in the short space of two/ or three hours will confuse the viewer as movies unlike novels do not ask for an audiences creativity to form the story it is already done and bought to life on screen. The question at hand therefore should be ‘how does the movie engage audiences/ viewers attention? Does it succeed in its own way? (Haire-Sargeant) This analysis of Wuthering Heights will be explored in William Wyler’s 1939 version and also in Peter Kosminsky’s 1992 version of the book. From the beginning of the novel Heathcliff is bought into the story as diclassi. He is bought home by Mr Earnshaw and is just explained to be ‘from the streets – a gipsy’. His background remains anonymous to the reader throughout the book as well as the movies (Cranny-Francis). In the novel, Nelly Dean tells Lockwood the narrative from her personal insight to the family having been with them for three generations. However, in Wylers movie the story is presented by first generation of Earnshaw and Linton. In the book, Bronte makes Heathcliff’s character appear to be tall, dark, passionate, violent and uncivilised. Yet however, in Wyler’s version of Wuthering Heights he has cast Lawrence Olivier to play the character of Heathcliff. He is characterised differently in this movie in comparison to the novel. Wyler and Olivier present Heathcliffs emotions and the cruelty he has had to bear from Hindley a great deal. This 1939 version of Wuthering Heights is what Haire-Sargeant describes as been ‘holographic’. The movies framing brings the movie together to form together a masterpiece work. Wyler controls a black and white of delicately shaded tonality; the powerfully expressed emotional and spiritual touch. The story through the use of extreme emphasis on visuals presents open space in comparison to the settings described by Bronte in the novel. (Haire-Sargeant p. p. 170-173). Wyler’s movie has bought forth to the audience attention the connection between Heathcliff and Cathy and the emptiness of the world for both of them when not together (Hair-Sargeant). Peter Kosminskys 1992 version titled Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights did not achieve the audience response that the 1939 one received merely due to the fact of poor casting. French actress Juliette Binoche played both the characters of first generation and second generation Catherine. The controversy surrounding this poor casting was simply the fact that Catherine in Bronte’s novel was from an English background. To cast a French to play the role of an English girl was part of the reason of why the movie did not seem to do well. Another interesting casting in this movie was the actor who took on the role of Heathcliff: Ralph Fiennes. Although he did not look in the part with his refined features, he quite differently to Olivier’s performance of Heathcliff in the 1939 version presented a quiet, smiling torturer at play. This is a major personality characteristic of Bronte’s Heathcliff in the novel. The cruel personality of Heathcliff in this movie version cannot be understood to be an act of anger or personality as the Heathcliff played by Olivier presents. Different to the 1939 Wuthering Heights and the book by Bronte, in this version it is not Heathcliff who holds the narrative process together but rather it is Catherine. The story in this version gave the character of Catherine more maturity and power as opposed to in the book where Bronte seemed to present an immature ‘school-girl’ type of girl in the first generation Cathy’s personality. Yet the most important factor to consider is the fact that Binoche took on the role of both mother and daughter each been delivered differently and fitting in together with the story. Unlike the book where Bronte focuses a great deal of volume one on the first generations childhood, the book just touches on it and skims past them really quickly leaving the audience to fill in the gaps. For example Nelly Dean’s character in this movie only has a small role and does not state exactly who she is to the audience whereas in the book more then half of it is her narrative of the events circulating between the Earnshaws, Lintons and Heathcliff. Another example is the character of Hindley who is important to the novel. He fades off the screen as well as his wife, Frances, before the viewers’ notice what happened to them. Kosminskys main interest in this movie was to show the viewer the great love story between Cathy and Heathcliff. Yet he gave the audience little time to grasp the storyline as he wanted us to focus primarily on the main ‘stars’ without drifting the audiences mind towards other matters. Unlike Wyler’s version however, like the book the 1992 version presented both the second generation as well as Lockwood. The end of the movie showed second generation Cathy and Hareton riding together a happy couple getting married soon. This romance developed gradually over a period of time in the novel whereas in the movie it is one of the final shots. This refers back to the point made earlier about Kosminsky’s skimming over the lives of the characters in the story not letting the audience take in what is happening. Hareton’s character in this movie version did not have an important role nor did he make much appearance whilst he was a central character in the novel. The key strength of the movie however, is the use of only key subject matters in relation to the story to make it fit perfectly into the duration time of two hours (Haire-Sargeant). The use of settings, tone and music all contribute to the construction of the film. When a reader reads the novel they create their own interpretation and felt emotions in regards to what is happening in the texts, but however with movies comes the fact that we are witnessing all one set perspective of the story. Music and scenery are a major aspect of witnessing something before us especially on screen. It reminds the viewer of how they see what is real and what is not real, therefore forming and revealing the storyline. The use of screenplay and Hollywood touches adds more drama to the actual story, making the love story appear to be more realistic for viewers and more ‘romantic’ in relation to the novel where it is interpreted according to the readers’ imagination. The book allows readers to go beyond the linguistic and explore deeply into the plot, whereas the movie is set images on screen and it is up to the viewers to accept or reject the shared ideas or themes introduced by the screen play writer and the actors acting out the novels characters. Wuthering Heights the novel is a well structured novel, which explores everyone and every event in sufficient detail for the reader to comprehend the story. It gives the reader the impression that they are part of the dramas of the characters lives and the reader has a connection with each storyline. The movie because it is so fast paced and shorter then the novel, the viewer can not make that special connection which keeps them enticed as they are not using their imagination but rather their sight sense. In conclusion, going back to the question bought up earlier in regards to whether the two movie versions made of Wuthering Heights have brought to life the novels’ key strengths, the novel and the movie both are unique and interesting in their own set ways. Whilst the novel has been interpreted to be a Gothic novel with a metaphorical aspect of romance in it by many critics over the past centuries, the movie versions of this is novel is far from been described and categorised as been Gothic. It is a highly dramatic piece of work with a totally different presentation of the characters which Bronte firstly introduced in her 1800s novel. The novels plot thickens mainly around Cathy and Heathcliff and for a director to put this into action a lot of things need to be toned down as of the fact the story was written two centuries ago and the audience who view it in today’s society will vary in ages therefore it needed to be played down so the viewer can take in more of the story and the characters and walk away with the basic concept of what the book is about. The use of sadism in Heathcliff’s character is played down on in the movie versions of the novel, and although both the Heathcliff’s played out by Fiennes and Olivier are differently presented they both sum up the main plot of the un-dying love between Catherine and Heathcliff that Bronte sought to present in her book but however, each director displays this theme accordingly to his own personal interpretations of the story. How to cite Discuss the relationship between literary and film versions of a particular ‘romance’ text, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Instant Noodles free essay sample
Even though Tingyi increased its selling price in April 2011 by RMB0. 50 per pack (average of 15%) to offset rising costs, Chinese consumers are incredibly loyal to Master Kong’s products largely because of the company’s brand awareness and market penetration. Therefore, Tingyi has no fear of losing market share especially since its competitors also have to increase selling prices under the stress of rising costs. Consequently, in line with China’s rising CPI, unit prices for instant noodles increased by 11% in 2010 and 9% in 2011. Master Kong, betting on China`s continually rising prosperity, aims to turn out more mid- and high-end instant noodles instead of bottom-end ones. Tingyi launched 12 new flavors (including â€Å"Northeast Stew,†â€Å"Da Lu Xiang Yan,†â€Å"Jiangnan Delicacy,†â€Å"Local Grills†and â€Å"Chen Pao Feng Yun†) last year in order to appeal to consumers’ regional preferences. Furthermore, Tingyi has focused on promoting its auxiliary brand, Shimianbafan, under the fried noodles category. We will write a custom essay sample on Instant Noodles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition, the current health trend has spread to China and offers great potential for Tingyi. As a result, Tingyi may consider developing healthier alternatives including non-fried noodles, rice noodles, and noodles with roughage grains. Tingyi’s’s â€Å"soup noodle – soup based vermicelli†product has become the fastest growth vermicelli brand where Tingyi is trying to target pink-collar workers in the city. With ever-changing consumer demands in China, Tingyi is continuing to increase results and market shares through structural adjustments of its products.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
3 ways to impress an employer at an interview
3 ways to impress an employer at an interview 3 Easy Ways To Stand Out From The Competition While Applying For Internships Have you already graduated from a university? Do you want to apply for an internship? Perhaps now you are very worried about this, and expect how you will fight with fifty other applicants for this internship. The more competitive your future work is - the more applicants for it will be. Certainly, some of your competitors will be eliminated because of lower marks than you have. Some of them are less competent than you, and some just sloppy dressed and came for an interview. But in this way, not all are eliminated. Don’t be afraid! There are three simple ways to stand out even among the most experienced applicants for an internship. Of course, these methods do not guarantee that you will get the work of your dreams. But they significantly increase your chances of getting an internship. Pay attention to the quality of the future workplace Most people believe that their chance to get the desired job is not high. Therefore, they send their CVs to a large number of companies. They try to win at the expense of quantity, and not at the expense of quality. However, such people forget that the more proposals they receive, the less time they will have to visit all the interviews and carefully prepare for each of them. Better devote your time to finding the most suitable company for cooperation. Find a company that will appeal to you personally. Then study it, send a resume together with a cover letter and materials for the applications. In this way, you will get the job that you like. This is the best option. Show your personality Most university graduates pay great attention to their professional skills. They believe that precisely these skills are important in finding desired job. At the same time, everyone forgets about personal qualities. It can be: 1. Punctuality; 2. Mindfulness; 3. Active life position; 4. Responsibility; 5. Sociability; 6. Perseverance. This factor can’t be neglected! During the interview, tell about your personal qualities and traits. Sometimes you can show a sense of humor. If an employer is a man, and you are a girl, do not forget to smile. The same goes for the situation if you are a guy, and the employer is a woman. Due to all these simple actions, the employer will better remember you. According to research, hiring managers choose candidates they like. Dress as beautiful as possible, but not too expensive. And don’t forget to briefly describe your hobby. You are not a machine, you are a living person. Show that you are interested in something else besides work. Also, many managers are looking for candidates who will not only be competent specialists, but also team players. After all, such a person is a support for the whole team. So, develop the ability to interact with other employees, joke, communicate, help others. If you do not show your personality, they will never understand that you are their best candidate. Embrace Your Mistakes If you think that the main thing is not to admit mistakes in the interview, then you are mistaken. Of course, the same goes for the cover letter. But we are all people, and people tend to make mistakes. You can reread the cover letter 50 times. But still, there may be a typo. Even if you rehearsed the interview at home, you can make a mistake. But if the employer is intelligent, he understands that the candidate is not perfect. This does not mean that you do not need to prepare for an interview at all. But small gaffes are completely permissible. The important thing is not whether you are mistaken or not. The important thing is how you deal with the mistakes. In time, correct yourself, and that's enough. The hiring manager knows that if he takes you to work, you will run into problems. When this happens, everything will be wrong. Show that you can easily cope with failure. Show that you are confident and calm in any situation.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How would you, as the manager of this company, deal with the risk Essay
How would you, as the manager of this company, deal with the risk associated with doing business in countries that feel threatened by American culture - Essay Example The extent of threat needs to be examined and this can also be measured whether the threat can be minimized or not. In addition to that, the people of the selected country can be appointed for working and teaching the staff the customs and culture of the country in order to establish friendly relations with the natives. In my view, a dummy setup should be started in order to evaluate all the risks involved. Also, a small staff should be appointed including locals as well as Americans to assess their compatibility with each other. A humble and communicative attitude should be adopted in order to accommodate the natives. Relationships of the government with the host country should be evaluated in order to start a business (Shong 32). So, to handle the risks involved in a country being threatened by American culture, the manager of the company has to evaluate the whole setup of starting a new business. Risks are needed to be identified and evaluated. Afterwards, planning should be there to facilitate the natives and minimize the threat felt by
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Democritus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Democritus - Essay Example The reality account is the most superior among the presocratists, in addition to being very close to explaining the current scientific perspective on ultimate reality. Only two presocratic atomists are recognized. They are Leucippus and Democritus, his student. But, very little is known on Leucippus who initiated the atomic theory. He was greatly influenced by Zeno; this is illustrated through his great interests in space paradoxes. Democritus is the figure through which atomism concept was passed to the later generations. Democritus ensured adequate public attention towards the atomism concept, and was at the forefront of the philosophical controversy. He wrote in almost all philosophical branches; for instance, grammar, mathematics, literature and natural philosophy. He strongly believed that atomism issue could be relevantly applied to all aspects of the society, even politics and social ethics. Demicrus theory explains that everything comprises atoms. The atoms are physically, and not geometrically indivisible. There exists an empty space between two atoms. The atoms are always in motion, and indestructible. The number of atoms is infinite. He reasoned that the solidness of an object resembles the shape of the comprising atoms. For example, water atoms are slippery and smooth, air atoms are whirling, and iron atoms are strong. The atomist theory closely resembles the present science, than the other theories of antiquity. Atomists explained that some reality levels existed to achieve the Eleatic demands. This reality comprised atoms and the void. The atoms are tiny and also indivisible particles. The atoms are Parmenidean real in two aspects. Firstly, cannot be altered qualitatively, destroyed nor generated. Secondly, the atoms meet Permenidean expectations. The atoms are of particular category, due to similar material composition. The reality entails one and continuous aspects in the qualitative view. Even though atoms
Monday, November 18, 2019
Finance for Managers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Finance for Managers - Essay Example Conclusion 23 References 24 Introduction Lloyds Banking Group is regarded as one of the foremost groups of financial service that render its valuable services particularly in the UK. The group delivers its different services especially to personal and corporate customers. Lloyds was renamed in January 2009 after Lloyds TSB acquired HBOS, one of the banking and insurance companies of the UK, with a vision to become the best bank in the UK as compared to others. The group is viewed to be the largest retail bank operating in the UK with leading edge in many sectors in comparison with other banks prevailing in the UK. The group possess multiple brands that are served to its valuable customers which ultimately makes the group to enhance its productivity by a considerable level and accomplish significant competitive position over its chief business market competitors (Lloyds banking Group, 2012). This paper intends to critically analyse and assess the different sources of long-term finance that are currently used by Lloyds concerning a detailed discussion about the advantages as well as the disadvantages of each identified source supported with suitable calculations. Moreover, the paper also evaluates the approaches related with planning, control, performance management and financial decision making of the selected organisation. Various aspects such as evaluating the role of the Management Accountant in Lloyds and recognising a particular analytical technique that is used by this organisation that helps the organisation to make effective planning and decision-making among others will also be portrayed in this paper. Question 1 Identification and Assessment of long-term finance sources Used by Lloyds Banking Group Lloyds identify funding to be a key area of focus for its successful business performance. The group raises its long-term finance through executing various sources that include equity capital, customer deposits, wholesale funding and debt financing (Michigan Economic Development Corporation, 2009). The Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Source, Supported With Relevant Calculations Equity Capital The most important source of raising long-term funds for the financial institutions is the issue of equity shares. It has been apparently observed that Lloyds considers the issuance of equity shares as a p ermanent source of finance for them. This is owing to the fact that the issuance of equity capital has increased the group’s financial base as well increased its borrowing ability by a significant level. Being a financial institution, there might lay a probable chance of rising significant threat concerning that the issue of equity shares may reduce the ownership control of the existing shareholders and dividends payment can be reduced at large. In this similar context, the group strongly believed that the source i.e. issuance of equity shares would support it to mitigate the aforesaid threats (Michigan Economic Development Corporation, 2009). Customer/Public Deposits Customer or public deposits are also regarded as another important source of long-term finance for Lloyds. According to the group, customer or public
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Business Plan for Start-Up
Business Plan for Start-Up The business Plan. Synopsis. For this assignment we as a group have been asked to produce a business plan with supporting analysis and justification. The aim of the business plan is to focus on convincing the company stakeholders of the viability of your company start up. The justification includes evidence relating to the rigour of the product selection and the content of our plan. Introduction. A business plan is a written documentation of which describes the business, the objectives of the business, its strategies, the market of which the business is in and the financial forecasts. The business plan has many functions, from securing external funding to measuring the success with the business itself. It essential when starting up a business for a business to have a realistic working business plan. Our business plan is a statement of intent and provides details on how we as a company are going to develop our business, when we are going to do it, whos going to play a part and how we as a group will manage the money. The Business Plan. The executive summary: Our company is a Young Enterprise company trading in imported and homemade products for the product market. We as a company aim to produce and sell a variety of greeting cards and candles of which are homemade to the general public. An aging population will enhance demand for specific card types. The types of cards that there may be an increased demand of cards that there may be an increased demand for include: Retirements Anniversary Birthdays Christmas Easter Valentines Day, mothers and fathers day cards Handmade cards are likely to continue growing in popularity as card sender seek more and more to express their own individuality. The business, its products and services: The business. ASGO4 is a unique candle and cards selling company we offer a variety range of products which include all sorts of various candles and cards for any all kind of special occasions to meet all needs. The company ASGO4 consists of 5 dedicated members who aim to grow this company to achieve a successful business. Product and services. We have a wide range of cards to suite various needs and for all special occasions, i.e. birthdays, anniversarys, valentine and exams. Exam congratulation cards and best wishes for courses can have a wide range of market; these cards will have a good selling point within Staffordshire University. (Refer to appendix 1.) Competition comparison ASG04 products contain many features that distinguish them from those produced by competitors. ASGO4 products are handmade and are to suite all special occasions. The quality of the candles and cards are produced at a magnificent level, even to the untrained eye, which makes ASGO4 products more realistic. ASGO4 are unique and offer a wide range of candles, not many similar products is available in the domestic market. Technology ASGO4 products are mainly handmade some of the products produce by, ASGO4 will be provided by wholesalers, these products that are produced by wholesalers will be produced at a professional level. Future products ASGO4 aim to turn into a successful business, by providing a wide range of candles and cards to meet all requirements. The candles that are provided by ASGO4 have a potential market, as they can be used for many special occasions. What benefits its offers. ASGO4 products offer great benefits to its customers because what we provide to you cannot be provided to you from else where. Customers would buy our products because our products are different compared to whats already available on the market, so this makes ASGO4 more appealing to its customers. Product facilities The main facility, we will use is the market store, within our market store e will have a wide range of space to display our products, we will use tables and colourful table cloths which we will hire, we will use the table cloths to make our tables of display colourful and appealing. Some candles and cards will be hand made by the members of the ASGO4, but these will be simple products, we will do this simply to widen our range of products. Information technology Information technology is of a part of the almost every business day to day life. We will use a promotional information technology tool which will done by are of our class colleagues, he will promote our company ASGO4 and this will create awareness of our company, what we offer and where we are based in Newcastle. The markets and competitors: There are a number of competitors of which we have to consider, the types of candle competitors of which we have to consider are: Johnson Wax Glade known as air-care candles. Bousius (UK) Ltd. Dane. Yankee Candle Ltd. British Candlemakers Federation. Colony Gift Corporation Ltd. Prices Patent Candle company Ltd. The types of card competitors of which we have to consider are: Birthdays. Clintons. Hallmark. Card Factory. Marketing and sales: Market Segmentation Enhancement candles unscented Retail sales of unscented candles were  £48 million in 2000, a rise of 27% over 1996. They account for 50%, by value, of the enhancement sector, compared with a share of 62% in 1996. Figure 7 provides trends since 1996. Growth within the unscented candles sector is decelerating, as purchase of scented candles becomes more popular. Unscented candles include coloured household candles, which can be used as ornaments as well as for lighting. Many are purchased to match household dÃÆ' ©cor, as well as to create a relaxing ambience during dinner parties. Enhancement candles scented It is the fragranced candle sector which is fuelling growth within the candles market overall. Retail sales of scented candles are estimated at  £48 million for 2000. This demonstrates a rise of 106% since 1996. Scented candles account for an estimated 34% of the total candle market and 50% of the enhancement sector by value. Functional candles tea lights Tea lights have reached the mature stage of the product lifecycle, being one of the first candle variations to be introduced into the UK after traditional white household candles. For this reason, value market growth is set to slow over the next few years, although they remain popular as they are so versatile. In 2000, tea light sales were  £27 million, a 10% increase on 1996. They accounted for some 19% of all candle sales in 2000, which is a decline of 6 percentage points since 1996, reflecting a drop in price points rather than usage. Emergency candles Retail sales of emergency candles (primarily white household candles) are declining slowly and were  £4 million in 2000. This compares to almost  £7 million in 1996. Mintel s consumer research indicates that as many as 18% of housewives had either bought or received white household candles within the six months to January 2001, although not all will have been bought for emergency use only. Figure 10 demonstrates trends since 1996. Air care candles Air-care candles designed for freshening air/masking odours are increasing in popularity. According to Mintel s consumer research, around a third of housewives use candles as air fresheners in 2001 and one quarter claim to have bought or received scented candles made by air freshener companies. The air-care candles market was worth  £14 million in 2000, almost three times the value of 1996 sales. It is still at the growth stage of the product lifecycle, with many of the products being relatively new. Figure 11 provides trends in the air-care candles market between 1996 and 2000. Target market segment strategy Target market: Enhancement candles scented Scented candles have experienced a considerable growth in popularity since 1998, with 63% of housewives having purchased or received them during the six months prior to the survey. This reflects trends within the market place generally. A quarter of candles purchased or received are scented. Consequently, our company aims to import and sell scented candles since the scented candle is the most popular and profitable candle category so far. Candle industry Major factors influencing the market The candles market is influenced by a number of factors. Purchased primarily by women, the growth in the number of women working has impacted positively on candles sales, because of a subsequent increase in discretionary income and financial independence. There has been a shift in lifestyle patterns, with a growing trend towards alternative healthcare and aromatherapy, and a revival in the popularity of pot pourri and incense, all of which have had a positive influence on candle sales, especially within the fragranced sector. There are also seasonal variations, with garden candles naturally performing better in the summer during usage of barbecues, or Christmas candles with special Christmas colours and fragrances for the Christmas period. Changes in the age structure of the population have also served to boost sales of certain candle types. For example, the young age group has expanded, boosting sales of the more fashionable floating candles which have a high purchase rate among this age group. Industry participants (Main competitors) Colony Gift Corporation Ltd Colony Gift Corporation is the UKs leading quality candle manufacturer and claims to be the largest producer of scented candles in Europe. Colonys turnover in 1999 was  £22 million, up 21.5% on 1998 turnover of  £18.1 million. It employs more than 460 people and its brands are available in over 70 countries. Prices Patent Candles Company Ltd The company produces candles and related accessories. It offers a wide range of candles for all occasions, including: scented and aromatherapy; outdoor lighting; Christmas and Easter; as well as decorative candles and the more traditional church-style candles. Yankee Candle (Europe) Ltd Yankee candles are positioned as premium-quality, giftworthy candles for the purpose of home fragrancing. Fragrances are numerous and include sage and citrus, spiced apple, honeysuckle, French vanilla and spiced pear. Bolsius (UK) Ltd Bolsius (UK) Ltd is owned by NLD Bolsius International BV. The company has been active in the UK for over 15 years. Only about 40% of the companys output is sold through retail outlets, while approximately 25% of sales are to religious institutions and 35% to the catering trade. Johnson Wax Johnson Wax is owned by the US company SC Johnson Son Inc and is a major player in a number of household goods products, notably household cleaning agents and polishes. The company leads the air freshener sector, with most of its marketing effort placed behind the Glade brand. (Refer to the business justification Ansoff product/market matrix and Boston matrix to assess marketing and business development strategies). The team skills: Within ASGO4 there is in total five dedicated staff members of whom all have different roles within the business itself. Below is a list of the roles each of the staff members have and also entails a description of what they are responsible for within the roles and what types of skills are required for each of the roles: Team skills should identify the strengths of the teams the plans to deal with any obvious weakness. Leadership. Managing director is ultimately responsible for the other members of staff, shareholders of the business; the managing director needs to exercise all of the leadership skills as well as diplomacy fairness strength. A managing director is responsive for encouraging teamwork. Administration. Company secretary are responsible for the co -ordination, communication organisation of all the areas relating to our company ASGO4. The specific roles of being the companys secretary include the following Completing registration documents Keeping the share register Keep records Administrating company meetings Organising agendas minutes Finance. Finance director is responsible for financial resource management, it is the job of the finance director to keep track of the money and also need to plan, know and record where the money is coming from, whos got it and where its going. All financial transitions should be recorded by the financial director and to communicate financial progress to members of the team. Other roles of the financial director includes doing the banking and work a alongside with the company secretary on the company share and responsibilities to shareholders. The financial director is also responsible for calculating and paying the young enterprise and corporation tax. Marketing. Marketing director need to use their innovation and creative skills in taking a key role in identifying market and opportunities as well as defining product or service charlatanistic. The main responsibilities include PR and advertising for the company, as well as carrying out market research and customer observation to help to maintain customer satisfaction. Operations. Operations director are responsible for product and service development, their role is the ensure that a method of operation is decides and organise the production of the company products and service, an operations director is responsible for purchasing raw materials, stock, supply and demand of finished items. Health and safety of the other staff members and customers should be one of the operation director concerns. The operation: ASGO4 will buy candles from its wholesalers and then put its products on the market, we will use a market store in Newcastle market, and we will display all our products there within the market. Newcastle market is amongst one of the biggest markets in Stoke-On -Trent, so this enables us to target a wide range of audiences this will make our products more appealing as there are huge crowds in the market that we could attract. The main advantage of our locations is that as Newcastle market is one of the busiest markets to people from all background and different social class attend this market and this is a great opportunity to take advantage of this because we will have a wide range of audiences. Financial forecasts: After financial forecast, such as cash flow and Profit and Loss Account, we have just started our business ASG04. And we are only preceded in one month preceded January 2005. Our business is running slow. So, it will take time to pick up. We have a good target market in Newcastle market. We have a wide range of target range in this aspect. Newcastle market is amongst one of the busiest open market in Stoke-On-Trent. We only have a few expenses, such as motor petrol, premises and equipment hire. As our expenses are very low, this allows us to increase our profit margin. Because of low expenditure, we have a low cost that means our price of product will not be set very high. Our business will have enough working capital to survive because of our low cost. We intended to raise a huge amount of money as our product attracts a wide range of target audience. We expect to make a substantial amount of profit as we proceded without business. (Refer to appendix 2.) Business Justification. A business plan is produced to convince shareholders, banks to invest into our business. The concept of the business is purchasing pre-produced products i.e. candles and some cases producing products. The products that will be sold will be aimed to various age groups. In order for the business to see success and make a profit it is important to ensure that costs are kept to a minimum. the business will focus on selling various types of candles i.e. scented, unscented, floating etc. our products bought from manufactured will not be sold as they are, they will be bundles and sold as gift packs for example. This methods makes the product unique and be able to make a profit. For example, 1 large candle will cost the business approximately 60p. If the product was sold as apart of a set of various candles i.e. sizes, colures and sold for  £5.00. This one candle may make a profit of excess of  £2.00. Researching into this product and market is important, so the company is able to forecast its success. It is clear there is a market for this product. The correct location is also important. As the products will be sold on a market stall, our company will see less overhead costs compared to high street stores. Above shows a table showing the sales of scented candles between 1996-2000. This information is important so that company is able to see the changing trends over time. Un-scented candles are not as popular as scented candles. These products often uses to create a desired atmosphere and also used for show. Increasing sales can only mean that there is a demand for these types of products. This project has no major overhead expenses. Our main expense will be renting the stall that will cost approximately  £16 per week. As no other major resources are required for example water, electric, our costs will be kept to a minimum and be able to transfer bargains to our customers. Analysing the business plan there is a big chance for success with this project. Sales for these products are increasing every year and the public are looking for new products to buy. Demand for candles are created by women and often purchased more by women. With busy, stressful lifestyles combined with working, looking after families has created an environment for candles. The below illustrates UK manufacture sales between 1996 and 1999. It shows that there is a drop in sales in the UK. In 1999 it shows that sales were down to  £1.57 per candle. Source: candles UK April, 2001 Ansoffs product/market The Ansoffs product-market matrix helps to understand and assess marketing or business development strategy. ASG04 is able to use Ansoffs product matrix to see what mix strategic options to use. Product development is developing or finding new products to take to an existing market. This is a strategy if the company has a strong market share in a particular market. Developing products are often a very expensive process. In this case, ASG04 does not have any market share, but with the product being sold are in demand and play apart of the market share in the UK. A business should try not to have any Dogs, but focusing on cash cows, problem child and stars that need to be kept in a kind of equilibrium. Funds generated by cash cows are used to turn problem child into stars that may turn into cash cows. Boston matrix. The Boston matrix model is a tool for assessing existing and development products in terms of their market potential. Our products lay between stars and soon to be turning into cash cows. The market already exists and has various types of candles that are sold. ASG04 is purchasing ready produced candles and developing them by making them more appealing to the public to buy.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Website Analysis on the Reformation of Marijuana Laws Essay -- Inter
A Website Analysis on the Reformation of Marijuana Laws NORML, or the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, founded in 1970, is a non profit, public interest advocacy group which fights for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition and want an end to arresting responsible marijuana smokers. In its website, the organization states that its mission is to â€Å"move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis by adults is no longer subject to penalty†(NORML website). Cannabis, the scientific term for the plant which the marijuana leaf is grown on, is used throughout the site. NORML, the oldest and largest marijuana legalization organization in the country, supports the idea of a legal marijuana market, and removal of all criminal penalties for the private possession and responsible use of marijuana by responsible adults. Through their website, NORML hopes to inform people who are interested in helping their cause to lear n more about them, and to keep organization members connected to what is happening in other chapters and around the world. A similar website is the organization, Efficacy’s site. Efficacy is a Connecticut-based, non-profit organization advocating peaceful ways to respond to social problems. The site is very effective in attracting people’s attention through colors and quick, interesting facts. It does this by having a bar on the top of the screen that change every couple of seconds, with facts such as, â€Å"The US imprisons more of its own people than any other country in the world,†and â€Å"the drug war has been Americas longest war†(Efficacy-Online). Beyond this, the first headline on the ... ...look at from an analytical stand point because of the contrasting views that people generally have drilled into their heads since a young age. Before looking at the NORML web site, I did not know that there was a site such as NORML that was professionally run, and politically active. Although Efficacy is not presented as professionally, I feel that the site reaches a person like me much easier. The site reaches for a much broader audience, and interesting facts kept me attention. This is a good example of a large group looking for change which splits into smaller groups, and will be able to gain an even larger audience than if they were in one group. NORML will get the attention of people in power, and while they may not be taken too seriously because of their extreme views, they will pave the way for more moderate groups like Efficacy to create social change.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Abstract for Literature review based on Dentists’ Knowledge of Ionising Radiation dental radiography.
Abstract for literature review Despite there is a rapid growth in the technology that has myriad benefits in improving the interventions of dental health, only a fewer dentists are well aware of the risk hazards of some these modern technologies (Praveen, et.al. 2013). Large body of evidence suggests the lack of knowledge in dentists in regards to the risks associated with ionising radiation while giving dental service (Rout and Brown, 2012). More importantly, only a handful of studies have attempted to unveil the facts and current state of knowledge and awareness associated with detrimental effects of ionising radiation in Australian and Jordanian dentists. This study, through questionnaires and interviews, examined the dentists that are giving services in Australia and Jordan and assessed their knowledge of such effects that are linked with ionising radiations. The study was carried through intense literature review was carried out to collect the current background in the subject area and the findings of these s tudies were critically reviewed. Focus of the literature review was based upon the different factors, such as the complications of ionising radiation, complications in different age group people, preventive measures and the current state of knowledge in the dentists all around the globe. Praveen, et.al (2013) suggests that radiation in dentistry is mainly used for diagnostic purposes and in a dental set-up usually the practicing dentist exposes, processes and interprets the radiograph. Although the exposure to such radiation is kept as very less, it is essential to reduce the exposure to the minimum to the dental personnel and patients in order avoid the carcinogenic and organ damaging effects that can be produced by it.. Several radiation protection measures have been advocated to ameliorate these effects. Dose dependent radiation exposure was identified as a one of the key measures in limiting the use of ionising radiation. As suggested by White and Mallya (2012), wise selection of patients to treat with ionising radiation and implement patient-specific reason, which ensures greater benefits than the harms are the two easiest ways to tackle with the risks associated with ionising radiation. However, Ayatollahi et.al (2012) suggests that this practice is not adequately implemented in majority of the dental clinics. Secondly, the review identified children as most susceptible to radiation exposure. Preventive measures such as use of special radiation protection equipments and dose dependent exposure were suggested to be central in minimising the effects of ionising radiation in children in dental clinics. Moreover, it was suggested that knowledge of such risks in dentists can make a significant contribution in the improvement of safe dental practice, ensuring adequate safeguards of both patients and dentists. The literature came up with a conclusion that up to date and evidenced based knowledge is still lacking in dentist regarding the risks of radiation hazard. This will need re-educating and re-training the dentists, make them aware of ionising radiation risks, and make them able to answer any queries from patients about the risks of ionising radiations (Praveen, et.al. 2013). As part of the clinical practice, all dentists are required to undertake radiography as part of the clinical practice in which dentists and members of the dental team, must understand the basic principles of radiation physics, hazards and protection, and should be able to undertake dental radiography safely with the production of high quality, diagnostic images (Rout and Brown, 2012). Although the grey area that was identified was that, dentists are poorly informed on how to use medical imaging tools safely and efficiently. Furthermore, they are found to underestimate the radiation risk and their devastating effec ts in patients’ long term health. In addition, some of the studies revealed that despite some knowledge on the harmful effects of ionising radiation in patients, as well as in their own health, the knowledge of patient’s protection including the exposure distance and prevention of radiation leakage, protection of personnel, i.e. the occupational risk hazards of ionising radiation, dentists were reluctant to employ these safety measures in day to day practice (Rout and Brown, 2012)). Considering the context of this study, no research has evaluated Australian and Jordanian dentists’ knowledge on the risks associated with ionising radiation in the dental clinics; suggesting the importance and need to carry out this study. This puts patients of different age groups in significant risk of developing pathological conditions that are induced by the exposure to ionising radiation. Thus, designing a training module to teach dentists about radiation safety and risk is mandatory for safe dental health practice. This study provides insights into developing new strategies, policies and practices to minimise or even avoid such risks in the future. References Gray, C.F. 2010, â€Å"Practice-based cone-beam computed tomography: a review†, Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK), vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 161-167. Lalla, R.V., Saunders, D.P. & Peterson, D.E. 2014, â€Å"Chemotherapy or radiation-induced oral mucositis†, Dental clinics of North America, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 341-349. Metsala, E., Henner, A. & Ekholm, M. 2013, â€Å"Quality assurance in digital dental imaging: a systematic review†, Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, . Praveen, B.N., Shubhasini, A.R., Bhanushree, R., Sumsum, P.S. & Sushma, C.N. 2013, â€Å"Radiation in dental practice: awareness, protection and recommendations†, The journal of contemporary dental practice, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 143-148. Rout, J. & Brown, J. 2012, â€Å"Ionizing radiation regulations and the dental practitioner: 1. The nature of ionizing radiation and its use in dentistry†, Dental update, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 191-2, 195-8, 201-3. Verma, S.K., Maheshwari, S., Singh, R.K. & Chaudhari, P.K. 2012, â€Å"Laser in dentistry: An innovative tool in modern dental practice†, National journal of maxillofacial surgery, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 124-132. White, S.C. & Mallya, S.M. 2012, â€Å"Update on the biological effects of ionizing radiation, relative dose factors and radiation hygiene†, Australian Dental Journal, vol. 57 Suppl 1, pp. 2-8.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Why Churchill Lost the 1945 Election
Why Churchill Lost the 1945 Election In 1945 Britain, an event occurred which still causes shocked questions from around the world: how did Winston Churchill, the man who had led Britain to victory in the Second World War, get voted out of office at the moment of his greatest success, and by such an apparently large margin. To many it looks like Britain was supremely ungrateful, but push deeper and you find that Churchill’s total focus on the war allowed he, and his political party, to take their eyes off the mood of the British People, allowing their pre-war reputations to weigh them down. Churchill and the Wartime Consensus In 1940 Winston Churchill was appointed Prime Minister of a Britain who appeared to be losing the Second World War against Germany. Having been in and out of favor over a long career, having been ousted from one government in World War One only to return later to great effect, and as a long-standing critic of Hitler, he was an interesting choice. He created a coalition drawing on the three main parties of Britain – Labour, Liberal, and Conservative – and turned all his attention to fighting the war. As he masterfully kept the coalition together, kept the military together, kept international alliances between capitalist and communist together, so he rejected pursuing party politics, refusing to aggrandize his Conservative party with the successes he and Britain began to experience. For many modern viewers, it might seem that handling the war would merit re-election, but when the war was coming to a conclusion, and when Britain divided back into party politics for the el ection of 1945, Churchill found himself at a disadvantage as his grasp of what people wanted, or at least what to offer them, had not developed. Churchill had passed through several political parties in his career and had led the Conservatives in the early war in order to press his ideas for the war. Some fellow conservatives, this time of a far longer tenure, began to worry during the war that while Labour and other parties were still campaigning – attacking the Tories for appeasement, unemployment, economic disarray – Churchill was not doing the same for them, focusing instead on unity and victory. Churchill Misses Reform One area where the Labour party were having success campaigning during the war was reform. Welfare reforms and other social measures had been developing before World War 2, but in the early years of his government, Churchill had been induced into commissioning a report on how Britain could rebuild after it. The report had been chaired by William Beveridge and would take his name. Churchill and others were surprised that the findings went beyond the rebuilding they’d envisioned, and presented nothing less than a social and welfare revolution. But the hopes of Britain were growing as the war seemed to be turning, and there was vast support for Beveridge’s report to be turned into a reality, a great new dawn. Social issues now dominated the part of British political life that was not taken up with the war, and Churchill and the Tories slipped back in the public’s mind. Churchill, a one-time reformer, wished to avoid anything which might fracture the coalition and didn’t back the report as much as he might; he was also dismissive of Beveridge, the man, and his ideas. Churchill thus made it clear he was putting off the issue of social reform until after the elections, while Labour did as much as they could to demand it being put into practice sooner, and then promised it after the election. Labour became associated with the reforms, and the Tories were accused of being against them. In addition, Labour’s contribution to the coalition government had earned them respect: people who had doubted them before began to believe Labour could run a reforming administration. The Date Is Set, the Campaign Fought World War 2 in Europe was declared over on May 8th, 1945, the coalition ended on May 23rd, and the elections were set for July 5th, although there would have to be extra time to gather the votes of the troops. Labour began a powerful campaign aimed at reform and made sure to take their message to both those in Britain and those who had been forced abroad. Years later, soldiers reported being made aware of Labour’s goals, but not hearing anything from the Tories. In contrast, Churchill’s campaign seemed to be more about re-electing him, built around his personality and what he’d achieved in the war. For once, he got the thoughts of the British public every wrong: there was still the war in the East to finish, so Churchill seemed distracted by that. The electorate was more open to the promises of Labour and the changes of the future, not the paranoia about socialism that the Tories tried to spread; they weren’t open to the actions of a man who had won the war, but whose party had not been forgiven for the years before it, and a man who had never seemed – up to now – entirely comfortable with peace. When he compared a Labour-run Britain to the Nazis and claimed Labour would need a Gestapo, people were not impressed, and memories of the Conservative inter-war failures, and even of Lloyd George’s failure to deliver post World War 1, were strong. Labour Win The results began coming in on July 25th and soon revealed Labour winning 393 seats, which gave them a dominant majority. Attlee was Prime Minister, they could carry out the reforms they wished, and Churchill seemed to have been defeated in a landslide, although the overall voting percentages were much closer. Labour won nearly twelve million votes, to nearly ten million Tory, and so the nation wasn’t quite as united in its mindset as it might appear. A war-weary Britain with one eye on the future had rejected a party which had been complacent and a man who had focused entirely on the nation’s good, to his own detriment.​ However, Churchill had been rejected before, and he had one last comeback to make. He spent the next few years reinventing himself once more and was able to resume power as a peacetime Prime Minister in 1951.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Class Essay-Type Questions and Responses Essays
Class Essay-Type Questions and Responses Essays Class Essay-Type Questions and Responses Essay Class Essay-Type Questions and Responses Essay Essay Topic: Questions The story â€Å"Journey by Night†by Norah Burke, as suggested by the title, talks about the journey of a young boy called Sher Singh in order to save his little brother. It shows the courage and determination shown by him in spite of the darkness and unknown dangers that may have existed in the forest. Sher Singh was a boy of nearly twelve years of age living in Laldwani village. He showed immense courage in absence of his father to carry his younger brother to the hospital fifty miles away from his village crossing dense forest and two rivers. He was heroic in his successful attempt to save his brother’s life. Life offers many challenges and it is only the brave ones who face those challenges with extreme dexterity and courage and emerge victorious. Sher Singh was one of them who did not care about his own pains, his tiredness, his fears and agonies and walked with the weight of his brother on his shoulders to take him to the hospital. He did not waste even a second to decide to take the journey by night through the dark jungle with two rivers in the midway out of which one was flooded. One by one he crossed all the barriers and headed towards his destination. He had no option but to keep on striving so that his brother may be able to survive, and he made that remarkable choice. He cared a lot for his brother. He did not lose hope and kept moving forward. His character is a source of inspiration for many who limit themselves and suffer from hidden fears and are unable to conquer it. He was focussed and dedicated which made him live and reach his destination, which can be followed by anyone. Therefore, at the end when he is referred to as â€Å"Sher Singh Bahadur†, a title conferred to his father, the readers feel is as if not more courageous than his father, because his father’s courage was all a part of his profession and passion but Sher Singh’s courage was shown to save his brother’s life. The story â€Å"India’s Heroes†f
Monday, November 4, 2019
An Analytical report over Strategic planning for GigaSoft Pvt. Ltd Essay
An Analytical report over Strategic planning for GigaSoft Pvt. Ltd - Essay Example Modern day software market has multiple requirements along with essential factors like smooth user interface, quick and clear functionality, market sustainability and compatibility with other platforms and devices. Thus, Software market is becoming more and more specific onwards. The competition arises only between software that offer similar utilities and functionality. For a very ground example of word processor, before 2005 Microsoft Word had been a ruling word processors for all types of writing requirements such as letters, drafts, reports, stories, forms, graphic patterns, papers etc. However, taking a look of current word processing market, it is quite significant that every one of those patters have different specific software offering numerous specific utilities. There are options like Open Office, Word perfect, Adobe Story, PDF software, CeltX. Some of them like CeltX offer their services on I-phone and Android devices while Open Office offers a very small size as compared to Microsoft Word and is much easily portable. There are also online word processors like Office Web apps and Google docs which offer a facility of secure cloud storage free of data loss concerns. Accordingly, soft ware marketing and management is synchronized with user demands. While working on numerous word-processing and document management software GigaSoft faced a failure in competing with existing word-processors. Recent replacement strategies of development and marketing have shown unwanted lacking in providing full functionality over all supportive platforms. Also, there is tracked some inefficiency in coping with small gadgets and newly introduced platforms. Some frequent crashes due to the incompatibility with recent market demands are also noticed. Those indicative factors have incorporated a lack of proper management. Hence, an immediate strategic planning for upcoming management strategies is required to be generated and applied. Identifying the faults and loopholes Looking at the recent data sheets and amendments made by GigaSoft corporation. There are seen some specifically lower graphs after the new adjustment for current marketing strategies which involve developing the software over various platforms other than earlier Microsoft platforms. GigaSoft is using waterfall method for production while the twist in the company’s strategy had proved out to be unproductive. It is essential to first analyze the reasons for difficulties before going for a new structure (Gouws & Gouws, 2004). Some noticed reasons for the failure in marketing strategy hold: Drifting away from the most popular platform, which makes the products incompatible for many formats and devices. Failing in synchronizing with the modern devices which require an essential coordination with popular devices other than Windows PCs and Laptops. Failing in development of multi-operative software products Violating the norms of cost-effectiveness by misreading the market graphs, As those reasons are end-results of a long time malfunction in management and planning, basic structure of the company must provide some focus for what errors of management led to those ends. A lack of synchronization in finance, engineering and marketing streams led to produce over costly products. A lack of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Business to business marketing final exam questions Term Paper
Business to business marketing final exam questions - Term Paper Example (B) Business marketing is also known as business to business marketing. The characteristics of business marketing have been described below. Organizations in business marketing target fewer customers who are geographically concentrated and have limited accounting for the majority of the sales of the organizations. The organizations in business marketing adopt longer decision cycle as the organizations always try to maintain strong relationship with their potential business clients for a longer period of time. In this type of marketing, the business organizations strongly depend upon the personal selling process comparing to several mass media advertising or promotional strategy. The promotional cost in this business marketing process is quite lower comparing to the traditional consumer marketing process. The organizations in business marketing process used to focus on more rigid product standards for the potential business clients as it is important for the organizations to maintain an effective long term relationship with the business clients. ... at are used by the managers of a firm to monitor and control the execution of several activities by the employees within the organizations and the consequence of the execution. (B) Financial, internal business process, customer, and learning and growth are the four perspectives of application of the balance scorecard. It is always important for the organizations to identify several relevant high level financial measures in the business marketing strategy development6 model. Application of balance scorecard will help the organization to influence the shareholders of the organization and improve the financial stability. Customers or clients are the key growth drivers for an organization. It is highly important for the organization to develop effective relationship with business clients in order to enhance the developed business marketing strategy. Considering the perspective of internal business process can help the organizations to improve their business marketing strategies. It will help them to develop more unique business operation process and develop strong relationship with several external and internal stakeholders. Considering the perspective of learning and growth under the balance scorecard will help the organization to develop more unique business marketing strategies in near future to foster the growth rate. Several leading organizations used to review and monitor the executed strategy. It is true that the organizations need to develop effective internal business operation process in order to maintain the sustainability in business operation processes. Effective and valuable strategies will help the organizations to gain potential competitive advantages. On the other hand, monitoring the performance of developed strategies can help the organizations to
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